Child Labour Remediation Policy

Child Labour Remediation Policy

Child Labour
Code: PCSA-P.07
Issue: 02
Date: 01/12/20


A child as defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a person below the age of 18.

The term child labour covers

Employment of children below the age of 15 or the minimum school leaving age, whichever is oldest (as defined in ILO c.138) and the worst forms of child labour (as defined in ILO c.182),


This guidance applies to and should be used in all areas of PLAISIO own operations and by all our suppliers. It applies to all cases of child labour and involvement of children in ‘light’ permissible work as ‘young workers’ for working conditions and as defined by ILO conventions No. 182 and 138 regardless of length of service or status of work. This includes permanent, temporary, informal or contract labour, whether directly or indirectly employed by the management of the workplace. It is important to take into consideration local and national laws in the country of operation. Local authorities and local child rights organisations should be advised promptly of any instances of alleged and confirmed child labour.

This document outlines PLAISIO responsibility and the expectation for our suppliers in ensuring child labour is not used in the production of our products. It should be used by PLAISIO employees and suppliers and outlines a process that should be followed to develop a remediation plan and provide remedial actions based on the best interests of the child and their rights – as outlined in the UN Conventions of the Rights of the Child.

PLAISIO policy on child labour

The legal minimum age of work can vary depending on the country and so suppliers should seek guidance from national law as well as International Standards (ILO convention 138). PLAISIO policy clearly states that under no circumstances engages in or supports the use of child labour. All PLAISIO suppliers must have effective procedures for age verification in place as part of the recruitment process, and must retain valid age verification records for ll workers.

Young workers (defined by those being less than 18 years of age but above legal working age) are specifically vulnerable and they have specific needs in terms of health and education in the workplace and must be protected from hazardous work. They must be afforded appropriate protections as required by local law to ensure their rights are upheld. National legislation usually identifies the list of hazardous work activities that are prohibited to young workers.

Providing appropriate remedy

PLAISIO expects all of its suppliers to have effective remediation procedures in place in case of any child found to be in their employment and this should meet at least the standards outlined in this remediation guidance. This guidance is to be used by PLAISIO, its suppliers and in conjunction with other relevant stakeholders to support the development of a bespoke plan. Each situation of child labour should be treated on a case-by-case basis to ensure the best interests of the child.

Supplier’s management should assign a responsible person or department to make sure this personalised plan is developed and carried out. PLAISIO should be aware of any instance of child labour to provide support if necessary.

If child labour is discovered the appropriate local authorities should be notified and further guidance and support from local child rights and protection specialists should be sought. The remediation plan should be developed in consultation with the child and their parent/caregiver. The suppliers should also ensure it has identified and has contact information for the local authority, child protection services and relevant and reputable local NGOs with expertise of working with children; this will make it easier to engage with them during the remediation process.

The supplier with the support of local child protection services and organisations or child rights expert should work to understand each child’s needs and develop an appropriate and effective remediation plan. This includes choice of schooling, negotiation of financial support, including referral to existing social welfare schemes and ongoing monitoring. This remediation guidance is not a conclusive list of actions to be taken if a child is found to be in the employment of a supplier but as a guide for the action necessary and also the key child rights considerations.

PLAISIO will monitor any remediation plan’s progress made by suppliers on a quarterly basis during year 1 and then every 6 months going forward until the child is of legal working age. Collaborating with local child protection services and organisations is crucial to help both the supplier and PLAISIO support the monitoring of the remediation plan.

Any child under 15 years of age or the legal working age whichever is oldest is found to be in employment is unacceptable; however, there are certain situations that need extra attention, care and consideration. As such the supplier will ensure their schooling, any financial assistance and alternative care if necessary is included in the remediation plan.

Other useful guidance and standards

The following are global standards and publically available documents that can be used as further guidance:

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

The Children’s Rights and Business Principle’s (CRBPs) and tools

Core ILO conventions

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