RBA Membership status

Plaisio Computers Responsible Supply Chain

The objective of our supply chain approach is transparency and accountability. We believe this leads to better working conditions, resulting in a more responsible and resilient supply chain. In 2021, Plaisio Computers joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). We continually invest in improving the social, environmental and ethical responsibility of our supply chains. We expect our suppliers to invest equally in the above responsibilities. Our suppliers demonstrate their commitment to responsible global supply chains by following Plaisio Computers Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition, we ask suppliers to commit to the following complementary policies: We routinely invite our suppliers to engage with us through Plaisio Computers Responsible Supply Chain initiatives, including:

  • Supplier performance reviews with discussion of supplier scorecard that includes compliance and sustainability measures
  • Supplier Training and other collaborative activities and programs

Standards & Accountability RBA members are required to adhere to a core set of requirements and are held accountable to them. RBA members are required to adhere to a core set of requirements and are held accountable to them. The RBA Code of Conduct is at the core of member requirements. Members are required to commit to the Code of Conduct, spread that commitment to their supply chains, and must undertake a range of assessment activities to ensure they are accountable to their commitment to the Code. While the RBA plays an important role in reporting on and educating a range of stakeholders about the state of sustainability in the industry supply chain, the RBA does not publicly comment on individual members’ activities.

Commitment to Standards and Accountability Most RBA members are required to commit publicly to the RBA Code of Conduct and actively pursue conformance to the Code and its standards, based on their membership category requirements. RBA members must regard the Code as a total supply chain initiative, meaning that members must at a minimum require their next tier suppliers to acknowledge and implement the Code.

RBA members are held accountable to their Code of Conduct commitment via a range of accountability and assessment means, including self-assessment questionnaires, audits and corrective actions where necessary.

For a complete explanation of RBA member requirements, please view our member compliance document. For a brief summary of the new member requirements, please view our Join Us page. The RBA Code of Conduct itself also outlines necessary management systems to ensure members establish the systems and structures necessary to ensure they do not infringe on workers’ rights nor the wellbeing of their communities. These systems and structures are vital to prevent accidents and abuses that damage both businesses and communities. The RBA provides a range of tools and resources to help members establish and maintain these systems and structures. One of the core principles of the RBA is adherence to the Code of Conduct. Regular and Full members are required to apply the Code to their owned facilities and must pass it down to their supply chains. The RBA investigates any credible claim of non-conformance to the Code for all Regular and Full member companies at both the company level and within their supply chains. The RBA receives submissions of grievances as part of its continuous improvement and risk management. Please review the Grievance Mechanism for information on RBA’s incident intake process and resolution. The purpose of this document is to outline a process that members, stakeholders and the public can utilize to raise concerns.

Regarding Responsible Minerals Initiative

With more than 400 member companies, the Responsible Minerals Initiative is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in their supply chains. We provide companies with tools and resources to make sourcing decisions that improve regulatory compliance and support responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.

VISION RMI’s vision is that mineral supply chains contribute positively to social economic development globally.

MISSION RMI serves as an umbrella organization for the voice of progressive industry to support responsible mineral sourcing broadly and convenes stakeholders to continually shape dialogue and practices.

GOAL Working together, we are evolving business practices to support responsible mineral production and sourcing globally, including but not limited to conflict-affected and high-risk areas, providing companies with tools and resources that improve regulatory compliance, align with international standards, and support industry and stakeholder expectations.

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